"You live but once; you might as well be amusing." - Coco Chanel

Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Goodbye Hillsdale, Hello New York City! (a cliche I know - get over it)

So yeah, I tried to write a sentimental post to launch my self back into the blogosphere, but failed epicly. I remembered weepy isn't my style. I miss Hillsdale and all, but I'm not sad that I'm gone. As the saying goes, "No more tests, no more books, no more fundi's dirty looks."

New York City, as a 22-year-old ingenue, is fantastic. But in the three weeks I've been here, I've learned a ton. So, for all you recent grads to relate to or you undergrads to aspire to, here are 10 things about the real world that no one tells you.

1. Everyone thinks that a college grad has the maturity of an 8 year old. 
My mom told me "you're now a little fish in a big pond." I didn't know she meant a little baby fish. When you are around people who have been out of college for what seems like 100 years, talking about professors and papers makes you sounds like a child.

2. Being poor is super fun. 
I know you're thinking that you can't believe I would say something like this... but I've found it to be totally true. There's something satisfying about living on $12 a day.

3. Hell is cooler than an apartment without air conditioning. 
This may not apply to you if you live somewhere without humidity. In New York and DC on the other hand, the summers are brutal. Right now I have 5 fans in my room and the window open at all time. Without them, I would be burned alive.

4. Cooking after a day of work is the literal worst.
No one wants to come home after spending 10 hours in an office to a hot apartment and cook some fancy meal. I never thought I was Martha Stewart, but thank God for Trader Joe's prepared meals.

5. In the end, you will not regret acquiring every piece of clothing and technology that you could, while your parents were still paying.
Enough said.

6. Pretending that you are a liberal at bars will make you a lot more friends than saying you campaigned for the Tea Party.
People in the real world think that being eco-friendly is way cooler than being free market-friendly.

7. Speaking of bars - do not get drunk unless you 100% remember how to get home. 
Speaking from experience... some people in my neighborhood probably think that I belong under the bridge with the crazies after I stumbled home and walked up to quite a few apartment that weren't mine.

8. You actually have to go to bed and wake up early.
I know - this point is super icky. In college, you can stay up all night, go to a one-hour class at 10 am, and then go nap. Not so in the real world. I go to bed at 10:00 pm and then wake up at 6 am like an old person. Last night, I feel asleep with a book in my hands. What have I become?!

9. Craigslist roommates can either be amazing or super sketch. 
My current roommate who I found on Craigslist ROCKS. But I had to kiss quite a few frogs to get there. I also had to avoid all the scams. Note: If an ad says they have gone to Alaska or the Philippines and can't show you the amazing apartment they are advertising, run far, far away.

10. Use all those fancy gizmos to stay close to your college friends. 
Facebook, G chat, Skype, and Facetime are your keys to not losing your best friends. God knows you will not have the money or vacation time to go visit them, so technology is your only option.