"You live but once; you might as well be amusing." - Coco Chanel

Friday, November 22, 2013

Things I am thankful for

As Thanksgiving rolls around the corner, I have spent some time reflecting on the things in my life that I should be thankful for – of course this wasn’t during class Mom, Dad, and Dr. Arnn. While my aunt always says she is thankful for running water, and living without it I would have to agree, a lot of other things are pretty great in my life too.

1.     My two best friends have lived with me and learned all my weird habits and love me nonetheless. I hope.

2.     Thanks to being mocked by my more politically correct, public school friends, the “r-word” is no longer in my vernacular.

3.     With my side job as Stossel’s social media manager, I can finally afford to buy almond milk when I go to the grocery store.

4.     Diet coke partnered with Taylor Swift. Can life get much better? I submit that it cannot.

5.     Vampire Weekend came out with new album after a billion years of nothing.

6.     I have found a hairdresser who loves me, cuts my hair excellently, and gives me free waxes. CoughcoughNikkieatVolumeCoughCough

7.     Kappa won the scholarship cup. Yeah! #KKGForeva

8.      My boyfriend still laughs at my jokes even though we’ve been dating for 10 months and he’s heard them all before.

9.     Tomas, my car, has yet to suffer any life-threatening injuries.

10. Rand Paul exists.

11. You can now get sugar-free peppermint mochas at Starbucks.

12. Weed is legal in some states.

13. Matt Spalding came to the Kirby Center. What an intellectual babe.

14. I now own a pink iPhone.

15. There are only 3 more months until the new season of “House of Cards” comes out.

16. I discovered the amazingness of Stephen Crane. Thank you Honors Thesis.

17. I learned how to curl my hair with a straightener. Thanks Nikki! (See #6)

18. My mom has a glimmer of faith that I might get a job after college.

19. For the last semester, I have averaged 10 hours of sleep.

20.  I’ve gotten an amazing education and I still have love for Hillsdale, even after 4 years of abuse by Bs and Cs.

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